And the one thing common in the skinny people? Normal inner body temperature.
When inner body temperature is normal, calorie burning is fast and effortless. When inner body temperature is low, your metabolism is slow. In fact for every drop in inner body temperature, your metabolism slows 13% or more!
For the body to lose weight, it is important that the nutrients and food being consumed are broken down and absorbed properly. The breakdown of food takes place with the help of enzymes, one such example of which is the enzyme lipase which breaks down fats in the body.
For the enzymes to break down fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, into absorbable nutrients, they need an optimum temperature of 37 degrees Celsius to function correctly. When the inner body temperature is not at the optimal level, the activity of the enzymes is reduced and the food is not digested or absorbed by the body properly.
One of the most effective methods found during the research to lowering the inner body temperature is known as the ICE HACK.
One supplement on the market has successfully combined all these powerful ingredients to restore internal body temperature to the optimal level and it’s called Alpilean.
One of the most effective methods found during the research to lowering the inner body temperature is known as the ICE HACK.